Corporate Governance
Mario Laborín Gómez
Member since 2010

President of ABC Holding and ABC Capital. Has been managing director of Bancomext, CEO of Nacional Financiera, CEO of Bancomer and President of its Brokerage Firm, and founding President of Mexder, as well as co-founder and general director of Grupo Vector. He has served as a member of the boards of directors of TV Azteca, Cervecería Cuauhtémoc, Transportación Marítima Mexicana, Bancomer, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, Mexder, Indeval, Xignux, Megacable, Cydsa, Astrum México, Banco de México Nuevo León, Gruma, AXA Seguros, Goldman Sachs, Avanzia and Across.
Adrián Sada González
Member since 1984

Chairman of the Chairmanship Committee. Board Member of Cydsa, Consejo Mexicano de Negocios (CMN) and Grupo de Industriales de Nuevo León.
Álvaro Fernández Garza
Member since 2011

Chief Executive Officer of ALFA and member of the boards of directors of Cydsa, Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, Grupo Citibanamex, and President of the University of Monterrey.
David Martínez Guzmán
Member since 2013

Chairman and Special Counsel for Fintech Advisory, Inc. and Board Member of ALFA, CEMEX, ICA Tenedora and Sabadell Banc (Spain).
Ricardo Guajardo Touché
Member since 2013

Board Member of BBVA Bancomer, Bimbo, Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, and Coca-Cola FEMSA. He was a Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He has served in various executive positions in companies such as BBVA Bancomer, Valores de Monterrey, FEMSA and Grupo AXA.
Tomás González Sada
Member since 1980

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Cydsa; Vice President of the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO), Honorary Consul of Japan in Monterrey, Mexico. Additionally, he is a member of the Regional Council of the Bank of Mexico (Central Bank), the Business Round Table (CMN), Grupo de Empresarios of Nuevo León and member of the Board of Trustees of Cáritas de Monterrey and Treasurer of the Fundación Martínez Sada, an organization that grants academic scholarships.
Guillermo Ortiz Martínez
Member since 2010

Partner and Board Member of BTG Pactual, Chairman of the Per Jacobsson Foundation and Founder of Guillermo Ortiz y Asociados. Member of the Group of Thirty and of the Boards of Directors of Bombardier, Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, and Orbia. Has served as Chairman of the Board of the Bank for International Settlements, Governor of Banco de México and Minister of Finance and Public Credit for the Mexican federal government. At the International Monetary Fund, he chaired the External Panel for the Review of the Fund’s Risk Management Framework and also served as Managing Director.
Ricardo Martín Bringas
Member since 2007

Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Organización Soriana. Board Member of Teléfonos de México, Grupo Financiero Banamex, Consejo Mexicano de Negocios, Grupo de Empresarios de Nuevo León and Asociación Nacional de Tiendas de Autoservicio y Departamentales (ANTAD). Chairman of the Endowment for the Hospital Regional Materno Infantil.
Jaime Rico Garza
Member since 2008

Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Vitro Europa and Vitro Global (2002-2017), as well as Board Member of Vitro Cristalglass and Chief Executive Officer of Vitro Cristalglass (2007-2012).
Adrián Sada Cueva
Member since 2010

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Board Member of Grupo Financiero Banorte, the Dallas Museum of Art, Nemak and ALFA. Former president of the Cámara de la Industria de Transformación (CAINTRA) Nuevo León. Member of Organización Vida Silvestre and the General Council of the Universidad de Monterrey.
Jaime Serra Puche
Member since 1998

Chairman of SAI Derecho & Economía, Founder of Aklara (Electronic Auctions), and Centro de Arbitraje de México (CAM). Chairman of the Board of BBVA Bancomer and publicly traded companies Fondo México, Tenaris, and Vitro. He held several positions in the Mexican federal government (1986-1994) as Undersecretary of Revenue, Minister of Trade, and Minister of Finance. Currently, he is a member of the Yale University President’s Council on International Activities and is a Trustee for the Trilateral Commission.
Joaquín Vargas Guajardo
Member since 2000

Chairman of the Audit Committee Chairman of the Board of Grupo MVS and of Grupo CMR. Board Member of Grupo Financiero Santander, Grupo Costamex, El Universal, Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico and Médica Sur. He has served as Chairman of National Chamber of Radio and Television Industry (2000-2001), Chairman of Mexican Restaurant Association (1985-1987) and Chairman of the Association of Restaurant Chain Directors (1989).
Alejandro F. Sánchez Mújica
Secretary of the Board since 2007

(Not member of the Board) He has been Legal Manager for Indeval, Chief Legal Officer for a division of Grupo Kuo, Corporate Counsel for Pulsar Internacionanl/Savia, Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of Vitro, and Senior Partner of the law firm Thompson & Knight, currently of Counsel at Holland & Knight. He has served on the board of various Mexican and foreign corporations and is currently a member of the Private Charitable Board for the State of Nuevo León. He has a law degree from the Escuela Libre de Derecho and master’s degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.

Adrián Sada Cueva
Director General Ejecutivo Vitro

He joined Vitro in 1998. He has developed his professional career holding multiple leadership positions. Since March 2013 he has served as Chief Executive Officer of Vitro and was appointed Chairman of the Board in April 2024. He holds a degree in Business Administration from the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) and an MBA from Stanford University.

Claudio del Valle Cabello
Director General Administración y Finanzas

He began his career in Vitro in 1986. He has been responsible for several financial processes and auditing of the Company.

Alfonso Gómez Taméz
Director de Desarrollo Humano Mejora Continua y TI

Member of Vitro since 1992 and has worked in the areas of Operations, Logistics, Information Technology, Continuous Improvement and Human Resources. He is a Systems Engineer from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) and holds a master's degree in administration from the Tec de Monterrey (ITESM).

Jorge Ceceña Romo
Director ALCALI

Bachelor in International Business and Master in Business Administration with 23 years in Vitro. Director of Alcali, Strategic Projects, Sales, Commercial, Exports and Business Development.
At Vitro our actions are based on a code of ethics with the objective to create a better workplace and environment.